Below are five training videos that comprise our "Basic Training Videos" (BTV)for Core Team. Every Core Member is expected to watch and understand each video before the year begins. For further training resources, see bottom of page. Please submit the form at the bottom of the page once you have completed the Basic Training Videos. Please do not share these video links with non-Core Members.
BTV 1 - First Year Core:
Dr. Bob Rice, associate professor of Catechetics and the director of the Masters of Arts in Catechetics and Evangelization at Franciscan University, gives an overview of what youth ministry is and its importance in the Church.
BTV 2 - Commitment to Spiritual Growth:
We cannot lead teenagers to Christ if we are not fostering a relationship with Him, as well. Jim Beckman, lecturer at Augustine Institute, presents to a class at Franciscan University about the spirituality of a leader.
BTV 3 - Commitment to Teens:
Youth ministry is founded upon relationships because that is how Christ ministered. Joel Stepanek discusses
key "incarnational" practices for every youth minister and how we bring Christ into our ministry.
BTV 4 - Commitment to Teens:
This training will help you take small groups deeper that will eventually lead teens into a deeper relationship with Christ. It's time to take teens past the Sunday School answers and engage them in a dialogue that leads to true discipleship.
BTV 5 - Commitment to Teens:
This training covers the basics of facilitating and navigating small group discussions while explaining how to steer the various situations that may arise during small group time.
BTV 6 - How To:
Attendance is NOT lame... who knew!?! This training video reviews the ‘how to’s’ of taking attendance, why it matters, and why it actually helps us to do better ministry!
BTV 7 - How To:
Action plan for volunteers, catechists and Core Members in the Event of an Active Shooter Emergency
BTV 8 - Belong, Believe, Bless:
Our goal is to make sure that every teen belongs here, believes in Jesus, and blesses others.