Summer with the Saints
Our summer programming has been created to include learning about and getting to hang out with different Catholic saints. We are so privileged to be at a parish that has many Saint relics available for us to venerate, so we want to take some time this summer to learn about them, while still taking time to have fun, pray, play some games, race, and so much more. We hope that you come out at least once this summer!
Middle School will meet on certain Wednesday's from 6:45pm to 8:30pm.
High School will meet on certain Tuesdays from 9:00am to 12:00pm AND 6:45pm to 8:30pm.
Check out the schedules below!
We can't wait to talk about the Saints and have some fun this summer! We won't be providing a full meal for our middle schoolers, but we would love to have a fun treat for them. Please take a moment to see if you can sign up for a summer treat for those attending our Middle School Mingles.
This summer we are celebrating with the Saints and holding High School Hangouts just about every week! Now you know your teens as well as we do, and they don't do anything without eating, which means we need your help.
Please take a moment to sign up for either a drop off item or an item where you can help serve the teens either a breakfast or dinner.
Angie Muckenthaler
Confirmation Assistant
Casey Barnes
Youth Ministry Assistant